Welcome to Binary Clock Software’s documentation!

Binary Clock Python API

API functions for interfacing with the Binary Clock

BinaryClockAPI Class

class binaryClockAPI.BinaryClockAPI(serial_port, baud=250000)[source]

Main class that handles communication and exposes functions to be called.

  • serial_port (str) – Serial port to connect to. (e.g. “/dev/tty.usbserial-12345”)
  • baud (int) – baudrate to communicate at (default: 250000)
clear_LED(row, column)[source]

Clear an LED at the given co-ordinates.

  • row (int) – Row of the LED to clear
  • column (int) – Column of the LED to clear

Clears all LEDs.


Closes the com port to the device

set_LED(row, column, red, green, blue)[source]

Set an LED to the given color.

  • row (int) – Row of the LED to set
  • column (int) – Column of the LED to set
  • red (int) – Red value (0 - 255)
  • green (int) – Green value (0 - 255)
  • blue (int) – Blue value (0 - 255)
set_all_LEDs(red, green, blue)[source]

Sets all LEDs to the given color.

  • red (int) – Red value (0 - 255)
  • green (int) – Green value (0 - 255)
  • blue (int) – Blue value (0 - 255)
set_color(red, green, blue)[source]

Sets the active colors when running in time mode.

  • red (int) – Red value (0 - 255)
  • green (int) – Green value (0 - 255)
  • blue (int) – Blue value (0 - 255)

Sets the current state of the device. (either time control or manual control)

Parameters:state (int) – Can either be 0 (RUN TIME) or 1 (RUN MANUAL)

Function for updating the time displayed on the clock. By default, uses time.localtime() function to grab the current time from your computer.

Parameters:time_override_arr (list) – List (in the format [hour, min, sec]) if you want to override the local time on your machine.

Binary Clock GUI

GUI for the Binary Clock API.

BinaryClockGUI Class

class binaryClockGUI.BinaryClockGUI[source]

Binary Clock GUI Object


Clears an individual LED.


Clears all LEDs.


Connect with the binary clock. (basically just opens serial communication)


Disconnect the binary clock by closing communication, deleting the binaryClock object, and resetting the GUI elements to the disconnected state.


Asks user if they really want to close, then destroys the window.


Runs the tk loop.


Sets an individual LED.


Sets all LEDs to a color.


Sets the binary clock time.


activates and deactivates the time override boxes (hour, minute, and second) when the time override checkbox is toggled.


Updates the color that is displayed when time is running.


Update the list of serial ports when the coms list dropdown is clicked.

GUI Helper Functions

Custom wrappers around Tkinter classes & functions.

CheckBox Class

class CustomGUIWrappers.CheckBox(master, row, column, callback_funct=None, cb_text=”, padx=3, pady=3, columnspan=1)[source]

Class for creating a checkbox. Used when you need a boolean decision from the user.

  • master – This is the root variable of the GUI. (tk.TK())
  • row (int) – what row the check box is put into.
  • column (int) – what column the check box is put into.
  • true_callback_funct (funct) – This function is called when the box is checked by the user.
  • false_callback_funct (funct) – This function is called when the box is unchecked by the user.
  • cb_text (str) – this is the label for the check box. [default: “”]
  • padx (int) – This is how much x axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • pady (int) – This is how much y axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]

Activates the check box to allow the user to change it’s value.


This function is called when the check box changes state. if it is checked, it calls self.true_callback_funct(). if it is unchecked, it calls self.false_callback_funct()


Deactivates the check box to prevent the user from changing it’s value.


Returns the current value of the check box.

EntryBox Class

class CustomGUIWrappers.EntryBox(master, row, column, default_val=”, **kwargs)[source]

Class for creating an Entry box. Used when you need a string input from the user.

  • master – This is the root variable of the GUI. (tk.TK())
  • row (int) – what row the entry box is put into.
  • column (int) – what column the entry box is put into.
  • default_val (str) – String that first populates the box. [default: “”]
  • **padx (int) – This is how much x axis padding is given to the entry box. [default: 3 px]
  • **pady (int) – This is how much y axis padding is given to the entry box. [default: 3 px]
  • **box_width (int) – Sets how wide the input box is [default: 20 px]
  • **state (str) – Sets the state of the entry box (disabled, readonly, etc.) [default: “active”]
  • **sticky – Sets which side of the cell the Entry box sticks to. (e.g. tk.E) [default: “”]
  • **justify – Sets how the text in the Entry box aligns. [default: tk.LEFT]

Activates the entry box to allow the user to change it’s value.


Deactivates the entry box to prevent the user from changing it’s value.


Moves the user’s cursor to this box.


Removes the label from the GUI temporarily.


Returns the current value of the Entry box.


Brings the label back into view.

Labels Class

class CustomGUIWrappers.Labels(master, row, column, label, **kwargs)[source]

Class for the various labels in the GUI. useful so we can forget & remember them when we need them to be invisable or visable, respectively.

  • master – This is the root variable of the GUI. (tk.TK())
  • row (int) – what row the label is put into.
  • column (int) – what column the label is put into.
  • default_val (str) – String that first populates the box. [default: “”]
  • **padx (int) – This is how much x axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • **pady (int) – This is how much y axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 0 px]
  • **columnspan (int) – Sets how many columns the label spans. [default: 1]
  • **sticky (int) – Sets where the dropdown box populates in it’s cell. [default: None]

configures the label. used for changing between DISABLED and NORMAL states.


Removes the label from the GUI temporarily.


Brings the label back into view.

ScrollBox Class

class CustomGUIWrappers.ScrollBox(master, row, column, min_val, max_val, start_val, **kwargs)[source]

Class for creating a scroll box. Used when you need an integer input from the user in a certain range.

  • master – This is the root variable of the GUI. (tk.TK())
  • row (int) – what row the check box is put into.
  • column (int) – what column the check box is put into.
  • min_val (int) – Minimum value that the Scroll box can be.
  • max_val (int) – Maximum value that the Scroll box can be.
  • start_val (int) – Initial value of the box.
  • **padx (int) – This is how much x axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • **pady (int) – This is how much y axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • **box_width (int) – Sets how wide the input box is [default: 19 px]

Removes the most recently entered character.


Checks for an erronious input.


Checks all of the values for proper ranges.


Activates the Scroll box to allow the user to change it’s value.


Deactivates the Scroll box to prevent the user from changing it’s value.


Returns the current value of the Scroll box.


Sets the current value of the Scroll box.

Button Class

class CustomGUIWrappers.Button(master, row, column, callback, label, **kwargs)[source]

Class for creating an Entry box. Used when you need a string input from the user.

  • master – This is the root variable of the GUI. (tk.TK())
  • row (int) – what row the check box is put into.
  • column (int) – what column the check box is put into.
  • min_val (int) – Minimum value that the Scroll box can be.
  • max_val (int) – Maximum value that the Scroll box can be.
  • start_val (int) – Initial value of the box.
  • **padx (int) – This is how much x axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • **pady (int) – This is how much y axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • **columnspan (int) – Sets how many columns the label spans. [default: 1]
  • **sticky (int) – Sets where the dropdown box populates in it’s cell. [default: None]

Activates the button to allow the user to change it’s state.


Deactivates the button to prevent the user from changing it’s state.

TimeEntry Class

class CustomGUIWrappers.TimeEntry(master, row, column, padx=3, pady=3, default_val_dict={‘second’: 42, ’minute’: 30, ’hour’: 12})[source]

Class for creating a time enry box. Used when you need a time input from the user.

  • master – This is the root variable of the GUI. (tk.TK())
  • row (int) – what row the check box is put into.
  • column (int) – what column the check box is put into.
  • default_val_dict (dict) – Dictionary of values that first populates the boxes. [default: {“hour”: 12, “minute”: 30, “second”: 42}]
  • padx (int) – This is how much x axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • pady (int) – This is how much y axis padding is given to the check box. [default: 3 px]
  • box_width (int) – Sets how wide the input box is [default: 20 px]

called when we need to delete the most recent character.


Error checking function for the third box (the hours category).


Error checking function for the second box (the minutes category).


Error checking function for the first box (the seconds category).


Activates all input boxes.


Deactivates all input boxes.


Gets the value input by the user.

Returns dict:Time input by user. Valid keys: hour, minute, second.

Indices and tables